"Keep Safe"
The wonderful Christine Kelly held our first workshop here at Indigo Moon
(19th September)
L-R: Ginny, Trish, Nichola, Sue, Melanie, Christine, Heather and Cath
I felt like a mother hen throughout the day but am hoping that in time my skills, at least at not being so obvious, will develop nicely!
Christine, going through all her gorgeous supplies...
...and her beautiful work
Heather, very focused
decisions, decisions
The very lovely Ginny
Trish taking some advice from Christine
Heathers amazing penmanship and stitching
"The place where i keep your heart" (in memory of my dad)
Nichola's pocket
Christine's very inspiring work
Sue's work developing, love those french knots
Melanie concentrating
My "green, scented, apple pie" toe nails, not sure if i like it
Ginny's fairy book
A fabulous time had by all.
Thank you to all the lovely participants and to Christine for her gentle tuition
Next workshop is with the very talented "Daisy Moon" on the 3rd October
please visit www,indigomoon.co.uk/workshops for more details and booking information.
Looks like the perfect way to spend a day! x Jo