Wednesday, 12 August 2015


Workshop Update:

I have now added another workshop to this years list:

on the 7th November 2015

If you're interested in booking a place on this workshop or any others please visit:
or call the Indigo Moon Shop on 01686 669644

Things are still rather manic here getting the workshop space ready, 
but we now have lights!  Yaaaay

Firstly in the corridor

 I decided to go for these fabulous industrial lights that Gav got for the shop!  I fell in love with them and thought they'd look perfect (ignore the bulbs, i have some edison filament bulbs to go in once i remember where i've put them!!!)

The box on this one opens up 

The Stair carpet up to the living space has also been fitted (and very difficult it was to get around the curve at the top! - never buy a carpet with stripes if there is a curve to get and learn i guess).

 We found these beautiful copper stair grips in the store room....i just love rummaging around in there, you never know what you might find

As you can see i'm still carefully removing the white paint off the rails so the vintage paints come through, they'll be waxed when it's done, it's very tedious work but worth it.

Workshop room lights have also been fitted.  This was the hardest decision to make as i wanted something that looked aesthetically nice with the house.  In the end i had to choose the fluorescent lighting strips, although they've come a long way in design since i was in school.  Not as good looking as other lighting i looked at and wanted but very practical for the job. 

It's difficult to see in daylight, but there are four in the room and when they're switched on you get instant daylight.  Perfect for working in.  So all in all i'm very pleased.

I have tons of these twinkly lights to put out, not decided exactly where yet though, but working on it. bargain shopping from Leominster last Monday got me two extra school posters to go with the others in the work room, a little damaged but for just £4.50 for the two i had to have them...they really are beautiful

...and last but not least, i decided which cake stands to use.  I think these are perfect and am looking forward to finding cakes that fit.

Thats it for now but work is continuing quite quickly now and updates will be posted soon


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